Quotes Extension Setup Guide

Quotes is a free extension for GetPaid that lets you submit price quotes for your users. 

You need to have the Quotes extension for GetPaid installed and activated in order to access these options. 


Quotes extension is ideal for freelancers and agencies, as it allows you to create quotes and send them to clients. Quotes will be automatically converted to Invoices when accepted by the customer. 

Major Features

  • Create quotes and estimates to send to your clients.
  • Quotes can be turned into invoices when accepted and clients can pay online.


Once you have installed and activated the plugin, you will need to head to GetPaid > Settings > Quotes page to configure the settings. This is where you can specify default action for quotes, custom messages, and so on. For details, please see our Settings Overview

A new entity called Quotes will be added to the GetPaid menu in WP admin panel. This is where you can manage your quotes, and add new quotes as well. 

The Add New Quote editor works pretty much the same way as you would add a paper-based quotation to a register or in any other accounting application. You need to specify things such as billing details of the customer (highlighted below in red), items for which the quote is being generated (blue), additional quote info such as expiry date, discount info (orange), as well as any notes or descriptive info that you might optionally need to add (highlighted in green). 

The plugin also adds a shortcode [wpinv_quote_history] that can be added to any page or content area where you need to display All Quotes generated for a particular customer. By default, it is added to the Your Quotes / Quotes History page that is automatically created when you activate the plugin. 

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