How to Add "Item Quantity" to Contact Form 7 Forms?
GetPaid can be used with Contact Form 7 to create and manage order forms within minutes. This article explains the process for adding a custom "Quantity" field to your forms.
You need to have GetPaid, Contact Form 7, as well as the GetPaid Contact Form 7 extension installed and activated in order to access these options.
Adding Quantity to CF7 Forms
- 1
- Create a new Contact Form 7 form, as desired. Read more about using Contact Form 7 with GetPaid.
- 2
- When adding GetPaid items to forms, simply specify the item IDs. Do not specify any quantity for items here.
- 3
- Add a custom field to your form (for instance, a number field), and name it as wpinv_cf7_quantity -- the quantity that the user now specifies for this field when filling the form will be used as the quantity for the items specified in the field mentioned in Step Two above.
Sample Code
<label> Your name [text* wpinv_customer_name] </label> <label> Your email [email* wpinv_customer_email] </label> <label> Your email [wpinv_items* wpinv_cf7_items visible "7905" "7858"] </label> <label> Your email [number wpinv_cf7_quantity "1"] </label> [submit "Submit"]
In the above example:
- Field 3 specifies GetPaid items with IDs 7905 and 7858.
- Field 4 acts as the quantity field, to be filled in by the user.