Settings Overview for Advertising > Settings

This is the Settings Overview for the Advertising > Settings page. 

You need to have the Advertising extension installed and activated in order to access these settings. 

Advertising Settings

  • Cart - Choose the cart to use for payments. We strongly recommend using GetPaid.
  • Dashboard Page - Choose the Advertisers' Dashboard page. 
  • Tracking Link Base Slug - Specify the slug variable for tracking click links. For example: click so tracking link will be[ID]/
  • Delete Data on Uninstall - If checked, all plugin data will be deleted upon uninstallation. 
  • Paid Ads Status - Select the status to assign to an ad after it has been paid for. You can choose to automatically publish it, or save it as pending for manual review later on.  
  • HTML Ads - Choose whether or not to allow HTML ads. 

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