Advertising Setup Guide
This is the Setup Guide for the Advertising extension for GetPaid.
You need to have both Advertising and the GetPaid plugin installed and activated in order to access these settings.
Advertising is a simple and lightweight extension for GetPaid that lets you sell ad spaces on your website. You can create new ad zones, and allow advertisers to register on your site and submit their ads.
Furthermore, with the help of GetPaid clubbed with Advertising, you can sell ad spaces and make money from the same.
Setting Things Up
Advertising, upon activation, adds a new menu to WP admin panel - Advertising. This is where you can add new zones and ads as per your requirements.
Once you have successfully installed and activated the Advertising extension, you need to choose a cart for payments, and then specify an Advertisers' Dashboard page.
Both the options can be accessed from the Settings page; if you prefer, you can also specify whether to auto-publish ads once payment is successful, or to hold them as pending for manual review. For details, please see the Settings Overview.
Adding New Zones and Ads
Before an ad can be published, you need to add at least one Zone.
Zones are comparable to WP Post Categories -- just like a category can have multiple posts under it, a Zone can have multiple ads under it. In fact, each ad should be placed within a zone.
You can create as many zones as you need to -- for details, refer to the Adding a New Zone guide.
Thereafter, new ads can be added by Advertisers from the frontend, or even by the site admins from the backend. For full steps, refer to the Adding New Ads guide.